Ancestral shadows wear many costumes.

Sometimes they show up as…
Blocks with your voice.
→ Whether it’s fear of sharing your real voice/writing in front of an audience or on social media…thinking you need to save others from your true expression.
→ Saying “yes” out of obligation to that favor/invitation…when you really wanna say no.
→ Holding back your true opinions in conversations…cuz what if they think you don’t know what you’re talking about? Or you're a bitch?
→ Being boundary-less and not having needs…because you’re afraid of losing love and connection if you do.
→ Nodding along in agreement / biting your tongue when your loved ones play out patterns of self sabotage and dysfunction clear as day…because you fear abandonment if you say the thing.
Fear or resistance of your spiritual gifts.
(aka: the Witch Wound)
→ You’re an Oracle, a Seer, who Sees right through the bullshit, but it scares you so you suppress what you see
→ You receive visions of creations you’re meant to birth…but don’t fully trust what you receive, you’re constantly second guessing it so never risk starting
→ You get downloads of wisdom and bodies of work and art, that ache to be shared through you, yet you never learned it anywhere…so wonder if you’re “just crazy” and repress your deep knowing
Scarcity with money.
→ Hoarding/gripping every penny.
→ Saying “no” to investments you DEEPLY desire (like hiring your dream mentor, booking that international flight to the land calling you, or giving to a charity that tugs at your heart).
→ Feeling like your current 9 to 5/the work you’ve BEEN doing is the only way money can flow…and blocking off the infinite, aligned ways money could flow in.
→ Basing your worth on your bank account - when it’s low, you think, “What’s wrong with me? I just need to hustle to the bone,”...and you do have money? Feeling like you better hold on tight/not make any mistakes…cuz what if it’s the last money you ever receive?!
These are just a few of the many places ancestral wounding shows up.
The giant mistake most people make when they embark on a healing journey? Is limiting the work they do
to themselves…
rather than viewing these patterns in the context of
their lineage.

Because let’s be real….
It didn’t start with you.
Every seed, vision, and prayer you hold for your life that you want to birth and create in the world is supported by your ancestors. They are watering them, whether you realize it or not.

Ancestor work is where our deepest pain & our deepest healing exists
When you call upon the Ancestors, get ready for your life to change…
No matter where your Ancestors are from
At some point they were moving to the
primordial beat of the drum
Under the moon, around a fire
Plugged into the earth,
Shaking their hips, belly, and legs
I’m Karla, and ancestral healing radically, deeply, and permanently shifted my life for the better.
When I started to commune with my ancestors…my seeds, visions and prayers started coming to life
And what became clear to me, is that those seeds, visions, and prayers were echoes of my ancestors dreams
I healed from living terrified of my voice, my spiritual gifts, believing I was incapable with nothing to offer, imprisoned by rage, addiction, poverty and a self-loathing that cut me to shreds
Yet even in my scariest moments, I could viscerally sense the protection of my ancestors with me…
And just as I could feel their pain, I could also feel the medicine they had for me
I was being initiated into the medicine my ancestors were waiting for me to remember…