You’ve believed what you carry is dangerous,
So you’ve hid it, from yourself and the world, scared of what it might do if you let it out.
You’ve diluted the depth and power you hold,
Or perhaps you have forced it, extracted from it, used it to get validation .
But you know there is a
different way…
You know that the force you carry is meant to be medicine.
You know it’s meant for truth, connection & service.
You know it’s time to no longer be bound by fear.
You know this is what you were born for.
Dangerous Woman
The Woman with the Witch Wound who has hidden the truth of her Medicine.
The Woman who has tamed her Voice, Power, Radiance & Sex to belong.
The Woman who has caged her Sight, Desire, & Expression to stay safe.
Are you ready to:
And learn the medicine of the full range of your Feminine: LOBA, priestess, hag, ferocious, ugly, raw, sexual, sensual, deep, wise, mother, maiden, crone.
Your voice from your womb and p*ssy, transmitting and speaking the words that can only come from your essence.
Strip Off,
The good girl mask, the cool girl mask, the independent, boss babe mask & actually be felt from your raw nature who doesn’t prove or effort.
Your heart & sharpen your discernment so that you can walk in the world open and rooted in yourself with eyes wide open.
Are you ready to live in a world where we uplift the medicine in ourselves and other women?
01 About
LOBA is not a retreat. It is an initiation into the primordial wisdom that lives in your bones & blood. It is a 3-Month long journey that includes energetic, spiritual & physical preparation and a month of integration online for before and after we meet in-person.
02 Initiation
The 6 day & 5 night initiation takes place in Mazunte, Oaxaca, Mexico on November 12-17th. You will be guided by Karla Palomino and supported by LOBA graduates Haleigh Featherly & Wyatt Benoit. Full lodging and farm to table meals are included with your tuition.
03 Application
Once your application is approved, you will be invited into a video call to discuss onboarding and agreements and to complete payment processing. Keep in mind that this is a mystery school, some details will be initially withheld in service of the frequency that is asking to be served.
Your Guide
Karla Palomino is a Ceremonialist, Embodiment Guide & Mentor, devoted to the Raw, Primordial Power that Lives in your Bones. Karla guides women into cultivating deep intimacy and remembrance of their instinctual wisdom, the medicine that they are here to embody in the world, and how to move through life in reverence to the life/death/life cycles. She is committed to the process of shadow work through the body while in relationship to the Earth and Elements, as she has witnessed time and again, how through descending into the Earth and into the depths of our body, truth is revealed. She sees shadow work as a necessary part of maturing into the role we are here to live in the ecosystem, finding right relationship with our service to the world, however it might look. Her clients are known to experience “God in their Body” through the journeys she holds, as they learn to drop into the subtle erotic current in their body and let themselves be moved by it.