The Down in Mexico
Written November 8th, 2021
I’ve been in a down
Down to the soil of my being
A down is a part of the Feminine cycle known as the emptying out time, the inner winter, void, death
With each down, parts of me die
And I go into deeper hidden crevices of my being that require devotion to traverse in
With each descent into a down, I also get to know myself more…the thought patterns, the little voices that run me unconsciously, the places I feel really tender and vulnerable
There are very specific things my mind clings to when approaching a down as a way to not fully plunge
I can see it from a mile away now
And every time it arises, I know I’m at the edge of a cliff into a vast place
Where life as I know it is going to shift
It’s a fear of losing it all, losing all my resources, family, community and literally being abandoned by society
It’s a very primal fear and I have to be so loving and gentle with my mind to penetrate beneath it, to feel beneath it
At the bottom of it is a fear of losing it
More than the fear of the death
It is the fear of truly not living and being no-thing
This is death but a different type of death from the death of leaving this dimension
The former frightens me more
Death is exactly what the down is about
Downs are micro deaths preparing us for the inevitable death we all will face
It’s a letting go of my gripping to that which I cling to knowingly and unknowingly so that I may feel my eternal self beneath my human self
That in essence, is quite vulnerable to feel
And shows us where we don’t quite trust and lead with our eternal self
Many years ago, I had a visionary experience of a spiritual crossroads
I was deep in the throes of self loathing and substance addiction, really lost and terrified of life
I was 18, living in San Francisco, partying every day with
I had a vision of two paths in front of me
A path of where I’d end up if I followed the path I was walking then
And the other path, which I know see as a path of awakening
Both actually felt difficult
I could feel it in my bones that both were not a walk in the park
Yet there was no true escape, not even that of suicide
That one would require me to give all of me and therefore, it’d be a path of loss
And the other would be a demolition of absolutely everything due to addiction and unfelt pain, it’d also be a path of loss
I choose the path required me to give all of me, the path of awakening, and a path of loss simultaneously
What I now see as an alchemical spiral path
Of dying over and over again, within this life, to continue coming back to the core of my eternal self
So every time I get to the edge of my capacity to fully be inside my down or I am about to descend into a big one, I feel this bubbling primal fear: End up alone, on the streets, lost, demolished, no resources, no community or family
And when I allow this primal fear to really have its way with me
That is, choosing to face it as opposed to turn away
I feel a rock bottom so profound that it’s like I can finally breathe in the surrendering of it
Right in the middle of my deepest fear lies what I actually desire more than anything else: absolute surrender to this life
The purpose of the down is to refine us
Refine us in what it is that we build that is based in egoic falsity
And it’s exactly why we are taught to fear the down and do what we can to stay above the waters of the down
Because so much of what we build, is actually based on our survival which is egoic
It’s compensatory action cloaking our soul bones
The ego believes this plane of existence is it, so it finds home in what’s material, what it can control, maintain and keep surviving to not feel the void of our being
The eternal self knows this is not all there is
And that when we die unto our physical death, the soul lives on
It returns to that which it has always been and will always be
In communion with Spirit
So within my fear of the utter demolition of it all
Is actually where I feel the most freedom
Because I know deep down, only that which is true can survive when I let go entirely
The down requires me to let go
And with this down, I am on my knees with my hands in the air asking myself: “what really fucking matters?”
Truly, what really fucking matters
Not every down is like this
Some are short
No big fears arise
Just acceptance of the emptied silence and noticing sensation in my body for a day or two
It goes as soon as it comes
And other downs, come with immense grief
Where the only way through is to feel every layer with patience
This is exactly the place I’ve been since arriving to Mexico
In finally surrendering to the call to move here, a voice I heard years ago, and a seed that heard the call to sprout in July while on a mountain in Northern California doing a vision quest, I’ve been in a down full of grief
When I first arrived, I had just finished holding my first 4-day In Person Ceremonial Immersion, HOLLOWS
HOLLOWS was an immensely transformative portal for every woman who came, including myself
And then I arrived to be held in a 4-day Ceremony, MoonDance, in Teotihuacan
It was big experience after big experience
I hadn’t truly dropped in all the way to feel the fullness of what a move I had just made
Moving to an ancestral land, moving away from my birth land and the Redwoods I had called home for the past 4 years
Since July, I’ve been nomadic
From Vision Fast to Family trip to Mexico
COVID-19 and Scorpion Sting Initiation
Back to California to get ready to leave for good
Holding a 4-Day Ceremonial Immersion before leaving
Arrive to Mexico and boom, MoonDance
It has been a full time
A gorgeous unfolding of both offering the medicine I serve
And drinking the medicine I serve
The eros of life, death, rebirth
The journey of the feminine soul
All within the preciousness of the fleshy, bloody, bone filled body
The true portal to soul
So I meet myself here in the down once again
Fearing that if I LET go all the way, I’ll lose it all
Lose my resources, people, and stability
Yet when I slow down and give myself to the feeling
I see that all that is required of me is to listen
What I’ve been hearing…
Write, write longer pieces than you’ve ever written
Write about your journey, the stories you’ve kept in
Start a book
Be with Madre Tierra every day
And just be still
Very different from the ideas my mind has about what I should be doing…
Right now, I am in a pueblito a couple hours outside of Mexico City
Where the mountains and jungle meet
Yesterday, I took a homeopathic dose of psilocybin and hikuri (peyote) and hiked up a secret mountain range
I foraged hierba de San Juan (St John’s Wort) and Salvia (Sage)
At the top of a mountain, I sat down nestled between magueys (agave cactus)
Somehow in the middle of a circle of magueys, I found a cozy spot to rest in
There I finally let out a cry
It wasn’t forced or massive, it was an unfurling
Like rose petals blooming, dearmouring
It was so deep it was subtle
It came from a really deep spot inside of me that had taken time to get to
The kind of opening you say yes to with each petal unfolding
And it was there I knew
I came to Mexico to have my down
I came here to descend
To the bud of my rose
To let Her mold me in new ways I can’t see
It doesn’t make sense to my mind
It doesn’t make sense to a lot of me
It’s not suppose to
Wolf Medicine
Written December 8th, 2021
Do not confuse discernment with being closed, when it’s you trusting your instincts
Sniffing out through your intuitive senses and listening beneath your mind
Domestication is the normalization of bypassing and overriding the signals of your truth-body
Discernment is a byproduct of an unshakable internal root system that can handle chaos and stress without reactivity and getting pulled out of center yet knowing how to roar when needed
An unshakable root system with adaptability and fluidity is our instinctual power we were born with but got compressed as we were taught to function productively
True discernment is not to comfort to the ego’s false idea of safety, it is to preserve and stand in what is true
It’s the difference between putting on more layers and taking them off
When we have the clear ability to sense deep in our belly/gut what is a no and what is a yes, our primordial wisdom is intact
I work with the Wolf/Loba in my veins as a compass to life
Everyday, I unravel the ways I function primarily from my mind and not from true instinct
I used to think moving from instinct meant sleeping around because that’s what my hormones wanted
And then I saw how this program itself was part of what started a trend in taking hormones to alter our own intelligent primal instincts
But Wolf instincts are not that, they are not using s*x to avoid the creation of true intimacy
They are knowing how to choose who we coalesce our bodies with to feed ourselves and the creation of life
Intellect and the mind are a beautiful thing, and, they are not what I came to this life to be primarily ran by
I came to taste life through my flesh, and live from my soul and pussy and heart as my guiding forces
I came to be a broken hearted human that loves and connects from the truest place inside of myself
I came to listen to my body before any authority or group think informs me before I consult with my own source of truth-mi cuerpo
I took prescription drugs beginning at the age of 7 to try and sit in a desk when I wanted to talk to trees and dance from my gut
I am still, day by day, learning how to hold the responsibility of trusting Her to guide my life and letting die, all my fear, of being burned for walking in this way
The thing that makes my blood heat up, is the misunderstanding and misuse of the primordial
The ways it’s cheapened and disconnected from the Earth
The way is stays solipsistic, and the way control plays in
I see how this programs plays out in me, more and more subtly
The Earth is chaos and blood
Untamable and by no means nice
The Earth is not here to be fetishized
She is meant to be respected
Even when we run around thinking we know better than
Every month when I bleed, I can hear the Earth through my womb
I used to think I was crazy for even thinking that
And made my womb pain all about my diet and herbs
Until it was intergenerational and emotional
A couple months ago, I had my first period without any cramping at all
First one in 16 years
It came roaring loud and clear, how my own resentments towards my blood mother, were part of what kept me tangled in unbearable pain
Then the next month, the pain came back tenfold
And I heard through my womb “now clear your resentments towards Earth”
My Wolf/Loba is my compass because it is my bridge to trusting the wild wisdom that runs through me, simply for being a microcosmic Earth inside this fleshy body
It’s not because I’m chosen
It’s because I’ve chosen to listen
And bow before
Womb/Belly/Pussy/Heart to the ground
And open my ears to hear Her